Category: Transportation

Tollbooth-Themed Crystal Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating the sale of an interest in PT Margautama Nusantara, a Philippine toll road and operator. The stake was acquired by Philippines’ Metro Pacific Tolways Corp. (MPTC).

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School Bus-Themed Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy marking the exit by Mumtalakat Holding Company from an investment in Dubai-based GEMS Education. Mumtalakat is the sovereign wealth fund of Bahrain.

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Custom deal tombstone commemorating the sale of a stake in GEMS Education, which operates 48 schools in the Middle East.

Connecticut-Themed Highway Deal Toy

Custom Lucite commemorating the acquisition of a stake in 23 highway service plazas in Connecticut.

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Custom deal toy marking the acquisition of a stake in 23 interstate highway fuel and retail plazas located in Connecticut. The acquisition was made by Irish highway services retailer Applegreen, based in Dublin.

Highway Sign-Themed Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy marking the offering of notes issued by Avis Budget Group. Avis operates over 11,000 car rental locations internationally.

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Custom crystal deal tombstone commemorating an offering of senior notes by Avis Budget Group. In addition to rental outlets, Avis also provides a car sharing network through its Zipcar subsidiary.

Boarding Pass-Themed Deal Toy

Crystal financial tombstone commemorating Expedia’s acquisition of full ownership in what had been its joint venture with AirAsia.

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Crystal tombstone recognizing the buyout by Expedia of its joint venture with AirAsia.

Marine-Themed Oil Service Tombstone

Crystal tombstone, featuring 3D etching, celebrating the purchase of the marine seismic acquisition of oil field services firm Schlumberger.

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Mountain-Themed Acquisition Deal Toy

Mountain-themed crystal deal toy recognizing the acquisition of Montana-based Mark Rite Lines Equipment.  MRL manufactures highway and road-marking heavy equipment.

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Custom deal tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Mark Rite Lines Equipment. Based in Billings, Montana, MRL provides truck-mounted and ride-on road and highway marking equipment.

General Motors Recognition Award

Custom supplier award presented General Motors.

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Prospectus-Themed Lyft Deal Toy

Prospectus-themed deal tombstone marking the IPO of Lyft.

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Crystal deal tombstone commemorating the initial public offering of ride-hailing service Lyft.