Product Embedments and Displays

Embedded product displays can be used internally in training staff, or as an engaging visual aid in educating customers, patients, or prospects.

Want to see what we can do for your organization?

Acrylic Embedment with Automotive Sparkplug

Automobile-themed custom acrylic incorporating embedment of actual sparkplug.

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Custom Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Automobile

Automotive-themed custom acrylic with embedded pewter car.

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Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Airplane

Acrylic wedge with embedded pewter airplanes that commemorates a loan facility in the aviation industry.

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Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Automobile

Acrylic wedge with embedded pewter car designed for UniFin, a Mexican leasing company.

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Custom Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Satellite

Acrylic deal commemorative featuring embedded pewter satellite.

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Acrylic Embedment with Product Samples

Acrylic rectangle showcasing Silicon carbide diodes and other power devices produced by Monolith Semiconductor. The firm is based in Ithaca, New York.

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Acrylic Embedment with Test Tubes

Acrylic embedment / deal commemorative in the biotech sector incorporating embedded test tubes.

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Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Molecules

Acrylic cube featuring an embedded pewter molecule. The design commemorated a transaction involving a resins business between Johnson Polymer and BASF.

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Acrylic Embedment with Watch Component

Acrylic embedment commemorative designed for SwissTech featuring an embedded watch component.

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