You’ll see examples here not only of education-related deal toys, but also custom commemoratives for college athletic programs, campus building dedications, business and law school conferences, as well as college sports awards.

Book-Themed Financial Tombstone

Blackboard-Inspired Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy recognizing the acquisition of Selected, a cloud-based hiring platform for teachers and other education professionals.

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Back view of crystal deal toy, incorporating a chemistry theme, recognizing the acquisition of cloud-based hiring platform Selected.

Crystal “Open Book” Tombstone Design

Crystal financial tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Acadience Learning, a company focused on early literacy assessments. (24AKL208)

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Side view of "open book" financial tombstone design.

School Bus-Inspired Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy, with frosted text, marking the acquisition of 300 routes and vehicles by American Student Transportation Partners. (24AKL026)

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Back view of crystal deal toy commemorating an acquisition by American Student Transportion Partners, a portfolio company of Baltimore-based Access Holdings.

Team Award for Harvard Case Competition

Crystal award celebrating the victory by a team from Auburn University in the 2023 Global Case Competition. More than 175 college teams competed in the Harvard University event. (23AZH131)

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Princeton Football 150th Anniversary Commemorative

Lucite commemorative marking the 150th anniversary of Princeton football.

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University Bond Commemorative

Lucite commemorative recognizing bonds issue on behalf of Mercyhurst University. The school is located in Eire, Pennsylvania.

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Apple-Themed Deal Toy

Apple-themed deal toy commemorating the acquisition by PeopleAdmin of TeacherMatch. TeacherMatch is a cloud-based tool for managing educational talent.

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Diploma-Themed Tombstone

Diploma-themed tombstone marking notes issued by Global University Systems, a London-based international education group.

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Logo-Themed Lucite Leadership Award

Custom Lucite award recognizing leadership in the Maine State Library system. (21AA037)

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Top view of Lucite leadership award. Side view of Maine State Library custom leadership award.

Education Deal Toys

The galleries beginning on this page provide over 50 images of financial tombstones and deal toys from the education space. Among the deal toy designs shown here, you’ll find ones that play off visual themes familiar within this sector. These include school buses, teacher’s apples, blackboards, graduation caps, and diplomas.

But you’ll also find commemorated here a broad range of transactions. These include, for example, tombstones marking the acquisition of a cloud-based hiring platform for education professionals and teachers, a successful bond issue by a New York-based college, the sale of an educational software developer, Series A funding for an Edtech firm, the initial public offering on the Australian Securities Exchange of a provider of online learning courses, and the acquisition of an online study platform for high school and college students.

You’ll also discover here commemoratives unrelated to any specific financial transaction. These include awards and recognition pieces representing the broader education field. You’ll see, for instance, a commemorative recognizing the 150th anniversary of Princeton Football, another celebrating the groundbreaking for a residential college at Arizona State University, as well as a drug research collaboration involving Bayer and the University of Pittsburgh. You’ll also find commemoratives honoring speakers and participants at conferences hosted by colleges such as Harvard and Vanderbilt, and graduation awards designed for the Columbia Business School.

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