You’ll see examples here not only of education-related deal toys, but also custom commemoratives for college athletic programs, campus building dedications, business and law school conferences, as well as college sports awards.

Book-Themed Financial Tombstone

School Bus-Themed Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy marking the exit by Mumtalakat Holding Company from an investment in Dubai-based GEMS Education. Mumtalakat is the sovereign wealth fund of Bahrain.

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Custom deal tombstone commemorating the sale of a stake in GEMS Education, which operates 48 schools in the Middle East.

Crystal Logo-Themed Graduation Commemorative

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Crystal Commemorative for Student Housing Joint Venture

Custom crystal commemorating a joint venture real estate investment in student housing complex near the University of Texas-San Antonio. The joint venture partners were The Preiss Company, a student housing owner and operator headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Hong Kong-based Centaline Investment Management Co.

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Book-Themed Deal Toy

Book-themed crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of online study platform StudyBlue, designed for high school and college students.

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White Board-Themed Deal Toy

White board-themed deal toy commemorating the close of the fifth fund by Quad Partners, a private equity fund focused on the education sector.

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Fund closing deal toy involving private equity firm Quad Partners. The white board piece commemorates the close of the fifth fund for the group, which specializes in the education industry.

Student Housing Commemorative

Custom Lucite marking the development of a new residence hall at Northeastern University in Boston.

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Australia-Themed Deal Tombstone

Australia-themed deal tombstone marking the acquisition of Camp Australia by Bain Capital. Camp Australia provides before and after-school care in over 700 schools across Australia.

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“Open Book”-Shaped Lucite Tombstone

“Open book” style Lucite tombstone marking financing for Blue School, an independent school located in Downtown New York City.

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University Revenue Bond Tombstone

Lucite tombstone marking ground lease revenue bonds issued by the University of Washington.

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Education Deal Toys

The galleries beginning on this page provide over 50 images of financial tombstones and deal toys from the education space. Among the deal toy designs shown here, you’ll find ones that play off visual themes familiar within this sector. These include school buses, teacher’s apples, blackboards, graduation caps, and diplomas.

But you’ll also find commemorated here a broad range of transactions. These include, for example, tombstones marking the acquisition of a cloud-based hiring platform for education professionals and teachers, a successful bond issue by a New York-based college, the sale of an educational software developer, Series A funding for an Edtech firm, the initial public offering on the Australian Securities Exchange of a provider of online learning courses, and the acquisition of an online study platform for high school and college students.

You’ll also discover here commemoratives unrelated to any specific financial transaction. These include awards and recognition pieces representing the broader education field. You’ll see, for instance, a commemorative recognizing the 150th anniversary of Princeton Football, another celebrating the groundbreaking for a residential college at Arizona State University, as well as a drug research collaboration involving Bayer and the University of Pittsburgh. You’ll also find commemoratives honoring speakers and participants at conferences hosted by colleges such as Harvard and Vanderbilt, and graduation awards designed for the Columbia Business School.

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