iPhone-themed crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of workforce management and payroll platform KeyPay. The acquisition was made by Sydney-based human resources platform Employment Hero.
(22ALJ017)See deal toy examples from many employment and training transactions, including designs related to recruitment, staffing, and payroll and workforce software.
iPhone-themed crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of workforce management and payroll platform KeyPay. The acquisition was made by Sydney-based human resources platform Employment Hero.
(22ALJ017)Custom Lucite award presented to winners of Honda’s inaugural National Technican Contest. The event also recognizes Honda’s Powersports technical training programs. (24ALJ356)
Custom crystal commemorating 1 million LTI-free hours (Lost Time & Injury) at The Thunderbird Mineral Sands Project. The mining operation is located in western Australia. (23AKL501)
Lucite deal toy celebrating the acquisition by ADP of Integrated Design. The Ann Arbor, Michigan-based firm provides human capital management (HCM) software.
(21AZH087)Lucite tombstone, incorporating a spinning logo, celebrating the acquisition of the staffing division of dmDickason Personnel Services.
(22AAL004)Piggy bank-themed crystal deal toy commemorating the Skandia Denmark by AP Pension. AP Pension is a Danish commercial pension fund.
(8LJW244)Curve-shaped Lucite deal toy commemorating the acquisition by Equifax of I2Verify, an income and employment verification provider.
(21ALJ171)The galleries beginning on this page provide over 60 images of deal toys and financial tombstones from the employment and training space.
You’ll find, for instance, deal toys for several transactions involving the employment and professional development-focused platform LinkedIn. But you will also discover transactions reflecting a much broader geographic scope. These deals include, among many others, the initial public offering on the Australian Securities Exchange of a Sydney-based online job services platform; the acquisition of a Dutch provider of human resources cloud software; two acquisitions made by a Japanese temporary staffing agency, another involving a Chilean pension fund, a German recruitment firm, an Austrian training support firm, and a California developer of cloud-based performance management and employee engagement software.
The deals recognized here also go beyond acquisitions and IPO’s. You’ll also find tombstones commemorating Series A funding for a startup enabling businesses to train employees via text, an investment in a provider of mobile-friendly business forms, and an Australian developer of workflow software.
The materials used for these designs will also be varied. They include crystal, Lucite, resin, wood, and pewter, with some pieces combining more than one medium.
Finally, among these images you’ll also find pieces unrelated to a financial transaction. These include more traditional awards and employee recognition pieces in this sector, such as one honoring a collective bargaining agreement reached between a U.S.-based professional sports league and its athletes, and professional certification awards and displays.
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