Recycling themed deal toy commemorating a tender offer by Republic Services. Republic is waste management and recycling firm headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
(6AASA09)Highlighted below are energy-themed tombstones, as well as oil drop embedments and designs commemorating the launches of wind farms, solar facilities, and energy-focused funds.
Recycling themed deal toy commemorating a tender offer by Republic Services. Republic is waste management and recycling firm headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
(6AASA09)Custom tombstone commemorating the raising of $250,000,000 through bonds issued by Albanesi. Albanesi is an Argentine electric utility.
(6ALR453)Curved rectangle deal tombstone marking the sale by Inter RAO Group of its subsidiary which owns Georgian Mtkvari Energy. Inter RAO is a Russian electric utility.
(6LJLB38)Africa-themed deal toy marking a private placement for Cardinal Resources. The gold exploration and development firm is primarily focused on its holdings in Ghana, West Africa. (6AKLC92). Follow this link to see other map-themed tombstones.
“Open book” style Lucite tombstone marking a equity placement by Sheffield Resources. Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Sheffield Resources acquires and explores mineral properties in the United States and Canada.
Pipeline-themed deal toy recognizing the sale of All-Tex Pipe & Supply. The Texas-based firm provides copper, cast iron, carbon steel and stainless steel products.
Pipeline-themed deal toy marking the acquisition of Argentine natural gas company ArPetrol. The acquirer was the state-owned Chilean firm Empresa Nacional del Petróleo (ENAP).
(6AGP877)In the galleries beginning on this page, you’ll find over 300 images of deal toys and financial tombstones from the energy and resources space. The transactions they commemorate reflect a range of technologies and commodities, including solar and wind power, electricity, geothermal and recovered energy generation (REG), oil and natural gas, as well as base and precious metals.
The deals represented in these tombstones also involve some of the most recognizable international brands in these sectors. They include Williams, Schlumberger, Iberdrola, ENGIE, NextEra, KEPCO, Tesla, Canadian Solar, and Caltex.
But you’ll also encounter here a number of deal toys marking less familiar transactions and involving lower-profile names. These include a private placement by a Norwegian manufacturer of sustainable battery cells; the acquisition of photovoltaic solar farms in Poland; an entitlement offer by an Australian mineral sands exploration company; funding for a hydropower project in Cameroon; a joint venture centered on a U.S.-based network of electric vehicle charging stations; and a “green” bond issued by a Swiss canton.
Beyond these pieces, you’ll also notice a number of awards and employee recognition designs unrelated to any financial transaction. These include, for example, team awards recognizing the disaster recovery efforts of utility employees, commemoratives honoring participation in renewable energy efforts, and custom groundbreaking and opening commemoratives for solar energy plants and facilities.
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