Lucite deal toy commemorating a follow-on stock offering by Roadrunner Transportation Systems. The transportation and logistics service provider is headquartered in Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Job: 3AJS097
Browse examples of deal toys involving ports, warehouses, containers, and other distribution locales. You’ll also see custom commemoratives for distribution facility openings and groundbreakings.
The deal toys and financial tombstones displayed in the galleries beginning above represent a sector that has taken on even greater significance in recent years: global logistics. You’ll see designs involving companies and organizations located in many of the world’s most critical commercial and transportation hubs, including Singapore, Houston, Antwerp, London, Brisbane, Tokyo, and Dubai.
Among the transactions you’ll find commemorated here are the acquisitions of a conveyor and sorting equipment manufacturer for parcels and cargo, a provider of warehouse automation systems, and a firm specializing in aviation freight. Other custom designs recognize deals such as a strategic investment in AI-enabled supply chain software, the initial public offering for a port logistics company, a private placement by an operator of dry bulk carriers, and the launch of a venture capital fund focused on warehouse and distribution facilities.
The deal toy designs in this section play off a range of equipment, technologies, and locales closely associated with logistics. These include shipping containers, forklifts, cranes, conveyor belts, ports, and warehouses.
Finally, the pieces featured in the galleries below also include commemoratives unrelated to financial transactions. You will see, for instance, an award recognizing a milestone in fleet size, and another commemorative celebrating a successful legal decision involving an international cargo and freight carrier.
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