Crystal deal tombstone marking the sale by Johnson & Johnson of BabyCenter, an online parenting and pregnancy resource.
(9AKL565)See a number of deal toy ideas from the mobile services space, and also some custom commemoratives for seed financing, end-user landmarks, joint ventures, and other milestones.
Crystal deal tombstone marking the sale by Johnson & Johnson of BabyCenter, an online parenting and pregnancy resource.
(9AKL565)Custom deal toy, incorporating an iPhone design, commemorating the acquisition of Be Connect. The Brussels-based marketing agency specializes in digital content and strategy.
(9LSS298)Crystal deal toy recognizing the acquisition by China’s Tencent of a stake in computer games developer Funcom. Based in Norway, Funcom has developed online games such as “Age of Conan” and “Conan Exiles”.
(9LJW212)Crystal deal toy marking an acquisition by ACI Worldwide, a provider of electronic payment and banking systems.
(9AKL093)Prospectus-themed deal tombstone marking the IPO of Lyft.
(9ALJ389)iPhone-themed deal tombstone celebrating a strategic partnership and licensing agreement between Apple and Dialog Semiconductor.
(9LSS109)Slant cylinder-shaped crystal deal toy commemorating the sale of Thinknear, a location based advertising and analytics platform.
(9ACJ203)Custom Lucite deal toy celebrating a strategic investment in Mindgate Solutions. The digital payments company, headquartered in Mumbai, India, was acquired by electronic payments company ACI Worldwide. Â
(9AKL331)Crystal deal toy marking the acquisition of the mobile game division of Spil Games.
(9AKL483)In the galleries beginning on this page, you can find over 100 images of deal toys and financial tombstones from the mobile communications and services space. The deal toys themselves involve a number of high-profile players in the sector. These include T-Mobile, Verizon, Rakuten, O2, AT&T, Snap, Uber, Twitter, and Vodafone, to name only a few. The designs also play off a number of familiar technologies and components in this space, including mobile phones, cloud computing, and cell towers.
But you’ll also discover here many more transactions, and deal toys, that may involve less familiar companies, technologies, and services. These include tombstones commemorating the acquisition of a developer of blockchain-enabled digital shoes and sneakers; Series B funding for a New York-based digital therapeutics company; the acquisition of a German provider of cloud-based customer engagement software; the acquisition of the developer of several social casino brands; and the sale of an Oregon-based manufacturer of wireless components, such as antennas, connectors, and modules.
Finally, you can also find here awards and employee recognition pieces from this sector that are not related to any financial transaction. You’ll see, for instance, a team award recognizing the developers of a mobile loyalty program app for a restaurant chain, and a custom award celebrating the surpassing of an end-user milestone for a transportation app.
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