
The transportation-themed deal toys shown here take inspiration from planes, freighters, boats, buses, drones, and more. The industry also utilizes commemoratives for service awards and operator certifications.

AutoTrader Custom Lucite

Financial tombstone commemorating the initial public offering by U.K.-based AutoTrader. Its content, consisting of auto classifieds, has fully migrated online from a print magazine format.

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Toll Road Deal Toy

Custom Lucite commemorating a credit facility for Mexican private toll road operator Red de Carreteras de Occidente.

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Custom Wood Shipping Deal Toy

Custom tombstone recognizing a credit facility established for Oceania Cruises. The cruise line operator is based in Miami, Florida.

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Catalytic Converter Deal Toy

Custom deal toy recognizing the Rhodia’s acquisition of W.R. Grace’s washcoat business. The division produced catalysts for use in automotive emissions control components.

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Ford Credit Custom Tombstone

Car wash-themed deal gift commemorating notes issued by Ford Credit.

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Hummer Deal Toy

Hummer-themed Lucite tombstone

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M2 Automotive Lucite Deal Toy

Custom tombstone recognizing a stock issue by M2, a chain of California  auto body shops

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Preferred Sands Lucite Tombstone

Deal tombstone marking refinancing by Radnor, Pennsylvania-based Preferred Sands. Preferred Sands is a leading proppant technology company.

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DriverSide Lucite Deal Toy

Lucite deal tombstone commemorating the acquisition of DriverSide by Advance Auto Parts. Founded in San Francisco in 2007, DriverSide focuses on educating consumers on auto care.

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Transportation Deal Toys

You’ll find beginning with the galleries on this page images of over 200 financial tombstones from the transportation sector. The deals commemorated here represent a full range of transportation modes and services. You’ll see deal toys featuring cars, airplanes, buses, railroads, trucks, motorcycles, subway systems, helicopters, light and passenger rail, passenger ships—to name just a few.

You’ll also find a number of deal toys with designs that play off many of the trappings commonly associated with the transportation industry. These include, for example, tombstone designs featuring highway signs, steering wheels, propellors, compasses, airline tickets, shipping containers, tunnels, traffic lights, tollbooths, port facilities, and parking lots.

You’ll recognize among these deal tombstones many of the sector’s highest-profile companies and players. These include international brands such as J.B. Hunt, Daimler, Airbus, Boeing, CMA CGM, Lyft, Kerry Logistics, HMM, Danaos, Expedia, Hyundai, United, Maersk, General Motors, Air Canada, and United.

But the deal toy galleries here also highlight a number of less prominent players and deals from the transportation space. Those include the acquisition of a firm specializing in airline shopping data; Series B financing for a SaaS provider for connected cars; the acquisition of an Austrian manufacturer of headlight systems; the initial public offering for an Australian luxury car dealer; and the acquisition of a Texas-based company specializing in automatic tire inflation systems for trailers.

The galleries also feature designs that recognize deals outside the transportation sector, ones that nevertheless have relevant themes. These deal tombstones include, for instance, a bicycle-themed design celebrating the sale of a group of Dutch hotels; one with a tram theme marking several transactions in the Swiss telecom sector; and a Roman galley-inspired piece commemorating a landmark media transaction.

Finally, there are pieces included here that are unrelated to any financial transaction. These commemorate achievements in the sector. They include the surpassing of a user milestone for a public transportation app, and of a growth milestone for a corporate intermodal fleet.

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