MORE Landmark M&A Deals—And Their Deal Toys (Updated)

December 5, 2019 by David Parry

You go to sleep convinced you’ve pulled off a mega deal…only to find out the next morning that it’s been snatched away from you—in the middle of the night, a continent away. See which deal we’re talking about below in the follow-up to our...

Real Estate Tombstones: 7 Iconic Buildings & Properties (Updated)

August 27, 2019 by David Parry

Europe's largest office building. New York City's most expensive rental. The building is nicknamed "The Bottle Opener". The hotel was created by feuding blue-blood cousins. They're all here---and more---in our Real Estate Tombstones of...

More Gambling Tombstones – New & Old

May 9, 2019 by David Parry

Take Shots Embrace the Grind Be a Nice Person Keep Tilt External Be Serious About Your Legacy Dealmaking wisdom from some investment banking grandee? Actually they're tips for beginning World Series of Poker players---offered...

The “Tombstone Tomb”: More IB Tales from the Crypt

May 14, 2018 by David Parry

The firm that helped launch the careers of Ken Moelis, Paul Singer, and Stephen Schwarzman—among many others? It no longer exists. But we see reminders of DLJ around our office every day—along with countless other firms that,...

90’s Deal Gifts With Blackstone, Bear & More!

November 3, 2017 by David Parry

Lehman. Bear. Chase Manhattan. SSB, H&Q, CSFB..... And also Goldman and Blackstone. They're all names featured in our latest gallery of Dinosaur Deal Toys. From 1995: The hotel interests involved here were purchased by a joint...

Cross-Border Deal Toys: Creative Ideas Beyond Maps & Flags

November 1, 2017 by David Parry

This blog might (rightfully) be the last place you'd seek insights into the dynamics of global, cross-border M&A activity. So we'll skip any analysis and simply note that 1) cross-border deal activity continues to surge this year, and 2)...

7 Landmark Tech Deal Toys

September 10, 2017 by David Parry

An LBO. A British cop. A flying taxi. Two Facebook rejects. See these stories, and more, as we unfurl our gallery of landmark tech deal toys. Michael Dell managed to upstage the $25 billion LBO in which he took his company private in...

Landmark IPO Deal Toys: Part 3 of 3

January 11, 2017 by David Parry

Any retrospective of landmark IPO deal toys runs the risk of appearing, well, ill-timed---maybe even tone-deaf. But if you checked out the earlier posts in this series, you know that many of these pieces make for interesting cultural artifacts in...

More Landmark IPO Deal Toys: Featuring Steven Seagal!

November 30, 2016 by David Parry

Mao Zedong. Vladimir Putin. Steven Seagal. What do they have in common? Undoubtedly very little---other than maybe appearing in the gallery below. Be sure to check out as well our earlier collection of landmark IPO deal toys (as well as...