Lucite embedment with drug vial commemorating a study of a treatment for solid tumor cancer.
(21ADH006)Whether you’re celebrating a funding round, research collaboration, FDA-approval, or commemorating a deal in the biotech space, you’ll find inspiration in the custom designs below.
Lucite embedment with drug vial commemorating a study of a treatment for solid tumor cancer.
(21ADH006)Lucite commemorative celebrating a development and commercialization agreement between Takeda and Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals.
(21ALJ357)Financial tombstone marking the successful placement by Siegfried Holding of a senior bond. The Swiss firm provides development and production services to the pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors.
(21LSS233)Crystal deal toy commemorating a private placement by X4 Pharmaceuticals.
(21ALJ247)Crystal deal toy commemorating Series A financing for Interius BioTherapeutics, a preclinical stage gene therapy firm.
(21AKL266)Crystal commemorative marking the initial public offering of Australian biotech firm Chimeric Therapeutics. The firm is developing a class of cell therapy drugs for the treatment of cancer.
(21ALJ210)Lucite tombstone commemorating crossover funding for AbSci, a Vancouver, Washington-based biotech firm.
(21ALJ163)Crystal deal tombstone celebrating the initial public offering of Arctic Bioscience. The Norwegian biotech firm makes use of bioactive marine compounds, including herring roe extracts.
(21LJW055)Beginning on this page, you’ll find galleries with over 90 images of financial tombstones and deal toys from the biotech and life sciences space. You’ll find a number of custom designs playing off visual elements commonly associated with this space, including DNA strands, pills, lab beakers, periodic tables, as well as ones incorporating actual drug vials.
As you might also expect, you’ll see a number of deal toys involving internationally recognized firms and players. These include Takeda Pharmaceutical, Horizon Therapeutics, Gilead Sciences, Roche, Neurocrine, and Bayer. You’ll see as well tombstones commemorating transactions common to this sector involving these and other firms: joint ventures, licensing deals, and development and commercialization agreements.
But you’ll also notice a number of deals commemorated here that may involve far less familiar firms. These include the acquisition of a Dutch company focused on live-cell imaging analytics, and one of an Illinois-based gene therapy firm devoted to the treatment of a rare genetic disorder; the initial public offering of an Australian developer of radiopharmaceutical cancer therapies, and the IPO of a Norwegian biotech making use of marine compounds such as herring roe extract; early-stage funding for a Philadelphia gene engineering startup, and the IPO of an Israeli firm focused on medical applications for lipid-based compounds.
You’ll also notice in these galleries designs not related to any financial transaction. These celebrate a range of awards and employee recognition pieces honoring successful clinical trials, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and New Drug Application (NDA) submissions, research collaborations and partnerships, and product development milestones.
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