Great Sports-Themed Deal Toys: From Fenway to UFC to Curling

November 2, 2016 by David Parry

So what’s with the title of this post? Why would we possibly use a feeble-sounding, mealy-mouthed term like “sports-themed” to describe this gallery? The answer is pretty simple: we’ve found over the years that some of the most effective...

Australia and New Zealand Deal Toys: Trolls, Sneaker Frenzies & More!

September 2, 2016 by David Parry

Wait a minute. Hong Kong gamers? German sneakers? Brazilian gold mines? Hollywood movies? What's all this got to do with Australia and New Zealand? See for yourself. Take a quick check of our gallery of recent Australia/New...

European Deal Toy Highlights: Private Jets, Robots, & Giant Cranes

August 17, 2016 by David Parry

There is a unifying thread in this gallery highlighting recent European deal toys. What that unifying thread might be exactly isn't readily apparent---beyond maybe the fact that we may simply have liked the deal toys shown here, and also found...

Innovative Asian Deal Toys Inspired by Japan, China, Korea, and More

July 27, 2016 by David Parry

From Tokyo office towers to subsea construction... The gallery below highlights an array of recent Asian deals----including those in the transport, real estate, retail, energy, and cosmetics industries. Star Asia is a Tokyo-based REIT. Big...

Currency-Themed Deal Toys: Unique Designs for Financial Milestones

July 21, 2016 by David Parry

There are a couple of relatively subtle ways you can differentiate Conor McGregor and fellow Irishman William Butler Yeats. Only one of them knocked out Jose Aldo in Las Vegas in 13 seconds. Only one of them won a Nobel Prize in...

Deal Toy Highlights: Cool Apps & Their Companies

July 7, 2016 by David Parry

Yes, you've probably already heard of "that" app. Maybe it's the one that purports to reveal a watermelon's ripeness. (Melon Meter) Or lets you swallow a sword. (iSword) Or crowd-source real-time feedback and pointers during a date....

IB Deals On Tap: More Beer-Themed Deal Toys!

June 27, 2016 by David Parry

Nothing to celebrate? There has to be something out there for us. After all, Cleveland just won a championship...finally. Euro 2016 has 8 countries still alive. Ramsey Bolton, on the other hand, is pretty much dead. And no one (so far at...

European Deal Toy Highlights: See IPO’s New & Old

June 6, 2016 by David Parry

IPO's? Really? Actually, yes. The global downturn in offerings is hardly news; just as familiar are the factors---ranging from the Spanish elections to the EU referendum later this month---said to be inhibiting the European IPO...

Rush Deal Toys: 5 Very Quick Survival Tips

May 27, 2016 by David Parry

Ordering rush deal toys doesn't have to be an ordeal---assuming you act fast and follow some time-tested guidelines. Maybe you just forgot... Or maybe someone simply forgot to tell you. Or maybe the closing event just got scheduled---so...