Crystal deal toy recognizing the acquisition by China’s Tencent of a stake in computer games developer Funcom. Based in Norway, Funcom has developed online games such as “Age of Conan” and “Conan Exiles”.
(9LJW212)Cross-border transactions have inspired many custom awards with designs based on maps, flags, clocks, and currencies.
Crystal deal toy recognizing the acquisition by China’s Tencent of a stake in computer games developer Funcom. Based in Norway, Funcom has developed online games such as “Age of Conan” and “Conan Exiles”.
(9LJW212)Crystal deal tombstone commemorating the acquisition by Swiss Re of a stake in Britam Holdings, a Kenyan insurer.
(8LKC241)Lucite deal toy commemorating new financing for Compañia del Trópico, a coffee shop and casual dining operator in Spain.
(9LSS152)Custom crystal tombstone, featuring a laser-etched map of Africa, commemorating the purchase of an offshore license by Russian oil and gas company Lukoil. The license is located offshore the Republic of Congo .
(9LJW121)Swiss army knife-themed deal tombstone marking an issue of Swiss domestic bonds.
(9LJW148)Custom closing deal toy celebrating the closing by Munich-based buyout firm Paragon Partners of its third fund.
(9LJW125)Custom wood and Lucite deal toy marking the acquisition by cable television firm Comcast of European pay tv firm Sky.
(8LJW238)Custom resin and wood tombstone celebrating the sale by 21st Century Fox to Comcast of its stake in the European pay-TV service Sky.
(8LJW238)Custom crystal deal toy, incorporating a 3-D etch of Mount Fuji and a Merlion, commemorating an investment in fintech-oriented insurance firm Singapore Life. The investment was made by Japan’s Sumitomo Life Insurance Company.
(9ALJ321)Deal toys and financial tombstones involving cross-border transactions are featured in the galleries beginning on this page. Altogether, you’ll find over 150 deal toys having cross-border or international themes.
You’ll notice deal toy designs commemorating a number of celebrated, high-profile cross-border deals. These include those involving 21st Century Fox, Sky, and Comcast, and Grupo Televisa and Univision. You’ll also see tombstones involving a number of established international companies and brands, such as Siemens, Roche, Citigroup, Moody’s, Toyota, Mitsubishi, and Roche.
As you might expect for transactions involving participants and properties spanning multiple countries, there are some recurring designs. These include deal toy designs involving maps, flags, compasses, globes, currency symbols, state emblems, national mascots, as well as working clocks highlighting different time zones.
But the designs here also reflect a full range not only of countries and regions but also of sectors and industries. Among the lower-profile deals you’ll find commemorated here are for instance, a Japanese investment in a U.S.-based manufacturer of piloted flying vehicles; an Australian acquisition by a Swedish environmental tech company; a Polish-Spanish joint venture centered on offshore wind projects; a joint venture between a Michigan-based footwear manufacturer and a Chinese sports retailer; the acquisition by a British firm of a California producer of integrated circuits; and the sale of the Chinese business of a German retailer.
You’ll also see recognized here transactions that, while not cross-border, have regional or country-specific themes that may be of interest.
Finally, you’ll find here relevant designs commemorating achievement and events unrelated to any specific transaction, cross-border or otherwise. These include, for instance, designs recognizing participation in a prestigious global medicine conference, and another given to speakers at an internationally-focused event sponsored by Harvard Business School.
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