Technology & Communications

The deal toys shown here reflect technologies ranging from phones and laptops to robotics and fiber optics. You’ll also find custom commemorative designs for patent awards, licensing agreements, product launches, and user milestones.

iPhone-Themed Crystal Deal Tombstone

iPhone-themed deal tombstone celebrating a strategic partnership and licensing agreement between Apple and Dialog Semiconductor.

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Ad Platform Deal Toy

Slant cylinder-shaped crystal deal toy commemorating the sale of Thinknear, a location based advertising and analytics platform.

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Logo-Themed Fintech Deal Toy

Custom Lucite deal toy celebrating a strategic investment in Mindgate Solutions. The digital payments company, headquartered in Mumbai, India, was acquired by electronic payments company ACI Worldwide.   

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Lucite financial tombstone celebrating a strategic investment in Mumbai-based digital payments firm Mindgate Solutions. The company is also one of India's leaders in processing UPI (unified payments interface) transactions.

Communications Device Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy marking the acquisition of Brandywine Communications, a producer of precision time and frequency products. These products are used in conjunction with satellite hubs, naval vessels, and military aircraft.

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Custom crystal tombstone marking the acquisition of Brandywine Communications, a manufacturer of precision defense and aerospace time and frequency devices. The acquirers were Los Angeles-based private equity firm Cache Creek Industries, and Rockmont Capital Partners, an investment investment firm located in Denver.

Mobile Gaming Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy marking the acquisition of the mobile game division of Spil Games.

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Crystal deal tombstone celebrating the acquisition by media, gaming, and tech company Azerian of the mobile game division of Spil Games.

Crystal Entitlement Offer Tombstone

Custom crystal tombstone marking an entitlement offer by Australian company Bigtincan. The firm provides sales enablement automation through AI (artificial intelligence).

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Logo-Themed Custom Tombstone

Custom financial tombstone marking the acquisition of Orlando-based PlanSource, a software company focused on such human resources functions as benefits shopping, enrollment, billing, and administration.

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Custom Crystal Deal Tombtstone

Custom crystal tombstone recognizing the acquisition of a majority stake in Bluetent, a vacation rental industry technology company.

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Institutional Placement Tombstone

Custom tombstone commemorating an institutional placement by audio networking firm Audinate.

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Technology & Communications Deal Toys

This section features deal toys and financial tombstones from the technology and communications sectors. In the galleries beginning on this page, you’ll find images of over 250 designs made with a variety of materials including crystal, Lucite, pewter, resin, wood, and marble.

The deal toy designs themselves also play off a range of technological components, including computers, cell phones, circuit boards, and semiconductor wafers; they also highlight a number of disciplines, including robotics, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), building automation services (BAS), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and software asset management (SAM).

The transactions also feature some of most recognizable players and names in these sectors. These include Apple, Google, Cox Communications, SAP, Rockwell Automation, and Virgin Media.

But you’ll also encounter less familiar names and deals. These might include, for instance, the initial public offering of an Australian aerial mapping and geospatial technology company, the acquisition of a Florida-based developer of high-performance computational hardware and software, the acquisition of a California manufacturer of integrated circuits for the industrial Internet of things, and an institutional placement for a U.K.-based developer of technology for skin therapy and regeneration.

Finally, in addition to deal toys, you’ll also find pieces related to these sectors but not related to a financial transaction. These include, for example, a wafer-themed employee recognition award designed for a semiconductor firm, and custom awards celebrating such achievements as production launches and patent applications and grants.

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